This was my fist "large project" and I could not have completed it without help. I learned intarsia, fair aisle, i-cord, 3 needle bind off, how to pick-up and knit in another direction, and how to make button holes.
I used Merino Style yarn from Knit Picks. Merino Style is a nice yarn with beautiful colors, but if I were to do it again, I would have not used the red and pink. I would have dyed some yarn a fuchsia color and maybe a few other colors too. Or, I would have used the Paternayan yarn that was called for because it comes in so many many colors.
I would also have knit my i-cord longer and thinner. As it is, I ended up cheating a bit and braiding the pieces on the ends, otherwise this scarf would have still been sitting in a bag incomplete. I adore all the color, but I think this piece is a little too colorful.....and it looks like it belongs in the circus. Oh well.
I LOVE the colors on yours. I did as the pattern called for and now would prefer to have it a bit different like yours. Beautiful job!
gknitter in IL
congratulations on finishing it! it's beautiful. and that's a great idea using merino style yarn. i made one a couple of years ago using the yarn specified and that stuff was a royal pain in the ass.
seeing yours makes me want to try it again.
I am so happy you finished it. I just found mine the other day and had thoughts about getting it back out.
Maybe now I will.
It turned out wonderful!
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