I have been working on the ‘Color on Color’ scarf from the Scarf Style book at Unraveled Yarn store’s knit along. I chose to use Knit Picks Merino Style yarn and the Paternayan yarn for the fair aisle portion of the scarf. We all joined the knit along on yahoo groups too. This project is taking forever, but it is great. I learned about 5 new knitting techniques in the process. I will post new pictures as I progress.
Hey Ansley - - I'd like to see this scarf on a model ... is it short and stubby? I've turned in to a huge knitter, myself. My mom got me started a few years ago and I haven't been able to stop. It's crazy - I've got baskets and baskets of yarn - - all through the house. Before the babies came along, I would get together with some women and we'd "stitch & bitch". It was fun - - we met at a bar in San Diego. Drink beer & knit. Good times. I love your colorful blog ... it's so bright and pretty. :) (And you look h-o-t in your pointy gnome hat, I especially dig the cool shades!!)
- Jenna
Thanks! In that picture the scarf is less than 1/2 way completed. I have done a lot more, but still have tons left to do. I will post new pictures soon.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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