I do not like how stainless steel kitchen appliances show scratches and fingerprints. Some are non-magnetic too, and I really like my kitchen magnets. There is something new on the horizon, the Dry Erase Fridge.
As a child, I loved drawing on the walls, but always got in trouble for it. I think this is a great way to live out my childhood desires as an adult. (via apartmenttherapy)
I have been thinking about what type of furniture to get for my two cats, Mika & Lula. I have always liked the idea of some sort of structure of cats, but totally hate carpet covered high-rise "kitty condos" such as these.
Recently I have come across some really nice structures that are made of cardboard. As my budget will not allow for most of these, they are great inspiration. Also, I will have something to do with all those leftover cardboard boxes after the move.
Fourth, there is this great circular cat bed from maocat, which I saw at last December's Bazaar Bizarre in LA. Finally, there is this Cat Cocoon over at pimp pets.
I have been doing a lot of research on America's Test Kitchen and Consumer Reports websites for all the things I need to purchase for my new loft. Besides closets, kitchen cabinets, a stove, a refrigerator, and new cookware, we need a rug and some decent lighting.
Modern Contemporary Design featured this gorgeous Dahlia wall lamp over at Freedom of Creation. It reminds me of a lotus flower. I would be tempted to buy it, but the price is too high for me. I also really liked FOC's "chain link" textiles.
In about a month I will be moving to the world’s largest live-work art colony located near Downtown LA. The place has many benefits, but a few drawbacks too. We will have to put in a kitchen and purchase closets.
I have decided upon the PAX system from Ikea for my closet. I am not totally sold on the doors they have available, but when I saw this amazing Graphic Armoire by Michael Iannone I had an idea. I am going to create a similar design and have it cut out in vinyl. That way I can choose any color I want and my closet will not look so generic.
The summer season is upon us. Los Angeles is a great place for free summer concert fun.
If you have not been to any of the free concerts, dance performances or movies presented by Grand Performances, you are missing out. They take place in an beautiful outdoor courtyard in Downtown LA. Make sure to check out the great schedule of events that happen from now until early September. They also have a myspace page here.
I have been furiously creating for over 15 years. I love learning while making stuff & things, so I am constantly experimenting and trying something new.