Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Striped Spiral Bracelet Workshop

Do you enjoy working with seed beads? Be bold with this mega twist bracelet workshop. Play with color and bead texture as you mix the elements that will intertwine together to form this fanciful bracelet.

Prerequisite: Some seed bead experience

Wednesday June 14th, 7-10pm

The San Gabriel Bead Company
Arcadia, California

A list of materials you will need to bring to class will be provided when you register.

Yarn Sales Galore!

Oh my, so many yarn stores are having sales! This Thursday both the Black Sheep Knittery in Hollywood and at A Stitch In Time in San Marino, CA start their sales. Then there is the bag sale this weekend at Yarn Lady . Also there is a pile of buy one get one free yarns at Stitch Café. I can’t wait!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Mosaic Tabletop workshop

Have you wanted to make a mosaic, but did not know where to start? Here is you answer. Come to the mosaic tabletop workshop at the San Gabriel Bead Company in Arcadia, CA ( www.beadcompany.com ) and make a table of your very own!

Basic mosaic techniques of cutting tile and glass, cementing, and grouting will be covered. A list of materials you will need to bring to class will be provided when you register.

The next workshop is schedule for :

Tuesday, August 8th & 15th 7-10pm

I hope you can make it!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Faux fur hat, pt. 2

The body of the hat is complete. Now I need to weave in the ends, and figure out how to crochet the fur yarn into the brim of the hat.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Felt Balls from Yarn Scrap

I have been knitting predominantly with wool and alpaca yarns lately. It occurred to me that I do not have to throw away all those little scraps of yarn because they will felt. So, I started collecting a pile of loose yarn scraps to make into little felt balls. They can become beads, cat toys, or whatever you like.

How to:
Wad-up the scraps of yarn, reserving a few longer strands. Wet the wad down in very warm water, squeezing out some of the water. Use the reserved longer strands of yarn to help firm up and bind the ball together. Pour a little liquid dish soap on your palms and gently begin to rub and roll the ball around in your palms. Keep running the ball under hot water and adding soap as needed. As the ball begins to shrink and get firmer, use a little more pressure as you roll it around in your palms. When the ball seems solid, rinse in cold water to remove any excess soap. Rinse again in vinegar. Squeeze out any excess moisture and set aside to dry. Enjoy!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Faux fur hat

I was at the Knitters Studio a few months ago http://www.theknitters-studio.com/ and saw a great hat. It was knit in a k2 p2 rib and had faux fur yarn crocheted into the edge of the hat. It looked a little like this hat.

I wanted to make it, but was not ready to spend $29 for the 17yds of fur yarn (Plymouth Yarn, Foxy). This past weekend another yarn store http://www.needhay.com/ had this yarn for 40% off! So, the hat is on the needles. I am using Debbie Bliss SoHo, 100% wool, color #37509 for the body of the hat. It is a little scratchy, but I adore the color blend.

Fingerless Mitts, pt.2

My mitts are complete! Now I will have warm hands while working on the computer.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Spring Boutique

Mother’s Day is on the way. Need a gift?
Here is your answer!

You are invited to:

The San Gabriel Bead Company’s

Spring Boutique

Friday, May 5, 12 – 9pm

Saturday, May 6, 10a – 6p

Ansley Davies, jewelry, mosaics
Lisa Kan
, Lampwork beads

Jennifer Morris
, polymer clay beads, jewelry

Shu-Shu Perugino
, jewelry, paper arts

Alexa Robinson
, jewelry

Bernie Schmitt
, beadwork, jewelry

Fritz Schmitt
, leatherwork

325 E Live Oak Ave

Arcadia, CA 91006
