I have had many requests from non-knitters for a knit Leia Wig, rather than a pattern from my Etsy store. But because they take a while to make and Alpaca fiber is not cheap, they are a bit expensive. I was thinking of a way to produce them that was not so labor intensive. So, I present the Leia Wig, Fleece Edition.
It took a while to design a pattern that would fit just as nice as the knit version, but I think I finally did it. I will be offering these for sale during The Brewery Artwalk, October 6 & 7, in Unit 642, W-9. I mentioned the Artwalkhere.
I will be offering the fleece version of the Leia Wig at my Etsy store in brown and black, just after Artwalk. They cost $49.
The Brewery Fall 2007 ARTWALK is just around the corner. Saturday and Sunday October 6 & 7, 11am - 6pm Come visit me and over 100 other working studios of Brewery artists and purchase art at studio prices. 2100 N Main St Los Angeles, CA 90031 directions are here list of participating artists with links here FREE ADMISSION FREE PARKING images of previous ARTWALK's here
I have a new working kitchen! The new loft came to us without closets or a kitchen, which was a trade-off. Although we have had to do a lot of work, we got a 1,200 sq. ft. place within an art colony for a decent price.
We purchased almost everything from Ikea. The cabinets are from the Akrum series with Applad doors, Lansa pulls, and Capitalegs. The counter tops are Pragel. We got the steel sink, which is discontinued, from the as-is bin for half price, and chose the Edsvik faucet. The spice racks, shelf, and paper towel holder are from the Grundtal series. The flooring is Armstrong's Standard Excelon industrial composition tile. You can see images of the progress on our kitchen here.
I have been furiously creating for over 15 years. I love learning while making stuff & things, so I am constantly experimenting and trying something new.